Nurturing Islamic values & academic excellence
Estyn ranked ‘Good’ in all areas
Graded the ‘GOOD’ in every inspection category by Estyn, the national inspectorate.
Tailored Curriculum and enriching experiences
Our bespoke curriculum is well-matched to pupils’ needs, reflecting our Islamic ethos.
Nurturing & Holistic approach
Providing pupils with an exceptionally caring and nurturing environment based on the Islamic values.
Raising confidence
Through a wide range of educational experiences inside and outside of the classroom pupils are encouraged to embrace new challenges . The school prioritises inclusion and actively supports pupils’ Islamic faith by providing female-only facilities to allow them to be comfortable and confident participating in different activities such as sports.
Working together with parents
We believe a strong partnership with parents plays a pivotal role in fostering pupils' academic, personal, and emotional development throughout their crucial years at the school.